Our staff

Logo Centre Centre Veterinari Les Corts counts on a team of five people whose first and foremost goal is to supply a quality medical assistance as well as complementary services of speciality store and pet grooming.


Esther Fernández Plana


      Head of the centre. Veterinary surgeon.

      Degree in veterinary medicine at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1993).

Eutimio Valledor Gavela

EutimioVeterinary surgeon. Degree in veterinary medicine at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2003). 

Isis Parés Novell

IsisVeterinary technician. Qualifications obtained in Centre Míster Guau.


Irene Lacambra Guerrero

IreneVeterinary technician and pet groomer. Qualifications obtained in Centre Míster Guau.


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